David Yancy III was born in Sandiego, Califormia and has been living in Memphis since 2010. He has been doing art for over 30yrs and his primary medium is acrylic paint. His style has been descibed as popart. He is a big fan of pop cuture and loves to stylise it his own way. He is also a muralist and uses a mixed medium of spraypaint and acrylic paint. He did his first solo art show in 2019 at the Crosstown Arts 430 space called “Hearing Colors”. He has done several murals around Memphis and have been apart of the exceptional artists during the Paint Memphis events. David has murals are at Altown skate park and Society skate park. He also teaches paint classes and does a monthly paint party called “Paint and get Lit”.
On a personal side note: His painting of the late great Memphis Musician and friend Omar Higgins on Lamar near Altown is an amazing tribute to a great guy all of Memphis loved.